Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base (4)

Knowledge Base

Here you can find the links to existing publications, internet portals, tools, service providers related to international project management and adult education. Here you will also find the Knowledge Pills - short, concise educational video clips and recordings of webinars related to international project management.

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Tudástár (1)


Itt kiadványok, internetes portálok, eszközök, szolgáltatók, a nemzetközi projektmenedzsmenttel és a felnőttképzéssel kapcsolatos linkek találhatók. Itt helyeztük el a Tudástablettákat is amelyek rövid, tömör oktatási videoklipek. A Tudástablettákat a projekt megvalósítása során rögzítjük.

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péntek, 05 március 2021 13:42

Glossary of Important Skills and Competences

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This glossary, created by the European Commission, highlights key competences and skills needed in contemporary Europe. These can also be incorporated into application materials.

The glossary defines skills and competences in the following categories

  • Knowledge
  • Skills
  • Attitudes and values
  • Language skills and knowledge

Check out the full glossary here.

Course 1: Planning & Designing the project.

1.1. Shortage Pyramid of successful cooperation among Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) [00:00:00 - 00:12:50)

1.2. Planning the project, part 1
[00:12:51 - 01:04:33]

  • Why and how can you start to work internationally?
  • How to prepare the development plan and project concept?



1.3. Designing the project, part 1 [01:01:35]

  • What aims and goals will the project realise?
  • What tasks/activities need to be realised?
  • How long and when will the project be realised?
  • How much would it cost?
  • What are the planned outputs and results?

1.4. Designing the project, part 2

  • How to measure project results?
  • What could influence the project?

Course 2: Coordinating & Running the project.

 2.2. Coordinating the project, part 2 [00:51:45]

  • The partners and the coordinator.
  • Coordinating teamwork.
  • Project management – project execution.
  • Team management.
  • Budget control.
  • Financial management.

Course 3: Monitoring & Evaluating the project.



csütörtök, 31 október 2019 18:53


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EURODESK – It provides information on learning mobility to young people and those who work with them.